Sunday, September 23, 2012

Busy week

It has been a long time since i blogged last time. I felt this is the most fulfilled semester in my university life. Oh, it is recess week now. Thank GOD? No. Not really!  After attending the great pitch party on Friday.  I had a 2 hour written page exam on Sat morning. =) It is over anyway. I am doing the mobile project with my fellow group members in SOC now. I am enjoying it honestly speaking. We never know how high we can fly before we spread our wings.

 About the pitch party:
It is a fantastic event. The best part of the evening is the FOOD! LOL. I am just kidding. The really brilliant stuff  were those ideas which i might never think of. Almost overwhelmed by the ideas. Ben's questions impressed me a lot. I thought the speaker is well prepared in the sense that he almost have all the data needed to handle the FAQ. However, there is still a long way to go before he could start to build the app and considering monetizing it. Most of us are stuck in the place where we can increase our user base for our app. It may become a completely different story after commercializing the product. We may leave aside the idea of commercializing the  app right now. The idea i liked most is the one given by the geog teacher. He just make me quite moved by his passion and love for the teaching course.  The app might not be fantastic. But it indeed help those underprivileged students. It made me think of the game system adopted in cs2010 : data structure and algo II. The idea of Carpool sounds good. But i am still doubting its feasibility. Even with the app, people out there may not use it. It is not a technical issue.  More importantly , outside Singapore,
safety is the biggest problem. Driver may feel unsafe to give strangers a ride. That is the reality.  The idea of the dashboard to control the light system is the most familiar to me. My father's company spent 40thousand to do the R&D on it last year. It turned out to be unpopular. Why is it so? 95% of the products sold are the normal switches in the switch market. Businessman do not dare to take the risk to be the first one massing producing the "advanced" switch which are more expensive. It takes time for the world to get used to new ideas and products.

About the Project:
Still busy coding =D. I just learnt how to code a floating bar which disappear on scrolling down and appear when scrolling up just now. It feels great. Loving it. Continuing....


  1. It made me think of the game system adopted in cs2010

    That is exactly it. Steven took JFDI Academy and hacked at it. :-) Current JFDI Academy is however much more sophisticated than the CS2010 system.

    1. Wow. It really amazed me. I like the game system. And the ranking system kinda gimme an extra impetus to do all the bonus parts.

  2. Yanjie (aka Geog Teacher) was pretty awesome right? That's why he was asked to do the presentations workshop. :) In case you missed the workshop, the notes are in the workbin.

    I mentioned the safety issue to Peggy, and she said that her group had considered it and proposed to use the FB social graph to restrict the car-pooling options.
